RECIPES: A good egg — six ultra rich and creamy eggnogs for any season

Brown Sugar Eggnog served with a cinnamon-sugar rim (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Brown Sugar Eggnog served with a cinnamon-sugar rim (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Eggnog as most of us enjoy it is an American creation, but creamy, egg-based drinks — especially those spiked with a hefty dose of booze — are common around the world.

American eggnog is closely related to English posset and Scottish Auld Man's Milk (to be drunk on New Year's Day after a night of revelry). In Germany there's eierpunsch and eierlikor (egg punch and egg liqueur). In the Netherlands you'll find advocaat, based on a Brazilian beverage called "abacate" made with avocados, rum and sugar cane. In Mexico and other Latin American countries, there's rompope, an eggnog-like drink cited as being created in the 17th century by nuns at the Santa Clara Convent in Puebla, Mexico.

It isn't a (far) stretch to include Italian zabaglione and French sabayon in this group, although these are generally thought of as desserts and not drinks.


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