Brunchfest beckons

DID SOMEBODY SAY BACON?: Benefit aids Centers for Youth and Families

Rick Fleetwood, Tery Young, Kathleen Kennally and Charles Evans on 6/22/24 at Centers for Youth and Families Emerging Leaders’ Brunchfest at The Hall (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kimberly Dishongh)
Rick Fleetwood, Tery Young, Kathleen Kennally and Charles Evans on 6/22/24 at Centers for Youth and Families Emerging Leaders’ Brunchfest at The Hall (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kimberly Dishongh)

The wafting sweet and savory smells of breakfast welcomed hungry philanthropists to Brunchfest held June 22 at The Hall.

Brunchfest, a benefit for Centers for Youth and Families put on by the nonprofit's young professionals group, the Emerging Leaders, offered up small bites of brunch goodies from about 25 Central Arkansas restaurants and caterers.

Muffins, cinnamon rolls, eggs bites, sausage and bacon in various combinations, pancakes, waffles, fritters -- and even a tower of pastry -- were some of the fare to be sampled, along with mimosas and bloody Marys.

Bread Cheese Wine was presented with the award for Best Brunch Cocktail by Tito's Handmade Vodka; Hill Station was named Best Overall Brunch by The Mighty Rib; and The Root was given the honor of Best Savory Brunch Item, also by the Mighty Rib.


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