Strong field expected for Shiloh Showcase

Cole Creighton and the Shiloh Christian Saints will host the Southwest Elite Showcase today at 9 a.m. in Springdale. The 16-team tournament field is comprised of teams from Arkansas and Oklahoma and a team from Central City, Neb.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)
Cole Creighton and the Shiloh Christian Saints will host the Southwest Elite Showcase today at 9 a.m. in Springdale. The 16-team tournament field is comprised of teams from Arkansas and Oklahoma and a team from Central City, Neb. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)

SPRINGDALE -- The premiere 7-on-7 tournament in Northwest Arkansas begins Friday morning at Champions Field in Springdale.

That's where Shiloh Christian will again host the Southwest Elite Showcase for a one-day event beginning at 9 a.m. Sixteen teams are expected to compete in pool play with the finals scheduled for 4 p.m.

"This tournament over the years has attracted a whole bunch of schools who want to face great competition," Shiloh Christian Coach Tucker Barnard said. "I've been coming here for a long time either as a coach at Shiloh or as a coach from another school. The competition, the hospitality and the support from our sponsors are second to none."

The 16-team tournament field is comprised of teams from Arkansas and Oklahoma and a team from Central City, Neb.

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