Springdale arena combines old with new

The ‘Super S’ and surrounding pieces from the old Springdale basketball court have been relocated to the school’s new arena. Construction on the new additions began in 2022 and is currently projected to be finished in August. The new gym includes the main gym as well as a separate auxiliary gym, a trophy display, locker rooms and coaches offices.
(NWA Democrat-Gazette/Caleb Grieger)
The ‘Super S’ and surrounding pieces from the old Springdale basketball court have been relocated to the school’s new arena. Construction on the new additions began in 2022 and is currently projected to be finished in August. The new gym includes the main gym as well as a separate auxiliary gym, a trophy display, locker rooms and coaches offices. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/Caleb Grieger)

SPRINGDALE -- A building is just another structure unless there's something interesting that captures the visitor's eye.

That's why Springdale High weaved remnants from its past into its new basketball arena that's located just east of Jarrell Williams Bulldog Stadium.

That's why Springdale High's familiar 'Super S' logo is featured prominently at the main entrance to the arena.

That's why the 'Super S' logo is imposed over wooden paneling that was on the court where the new building now stands.

That's why wooden bleachers from the building that served for many years as an auxiliary gym were pulled up and placed in the student section of the new arena. That gym, which has since been torn down, predates even Bulldog Gymnasium that had been home to Springdale basketball since 1966.


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