Cabot uses 7-on-7 to boost air attack

Cabot’s head coach, Scott Reed seen on the sidelines at Panther Stadium in Cabot. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Justin Cunningham)
Cabot’s head coach, Scott Reed seen on the sidelines at Panther Stadium in Cabot. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Justin Cunningham)

SEARCY -- Cabot doesn't usually compete in the Sonic Air Raid 7-on-7 Tournament, but the Panthers made their mark on the first day of the 2024 edition at Harding University on Friday.

Cabot defeated Chattanooga (Tenn.) Christian, Melbourne, Harding Academy and tied with Stuttgart to finish the day with a 3-1-1 record. When Coach Scott Reed saw the level of competition he'd be putting his team up against, the decision to compete in the tournament became an easy one.

"The main thing is there's really good competition (here), and we need that," Reed said. "The better teams are doing this kind of stuff nowadays. And the kids are competitive, they want to do these things."

The Panthers have attended three 7-on-7 tournaments this summer, with the goal of getting all their skill players experience against the high level teams Cabot faces in Class 7A.


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