Several gyms across Central Arkansas can expect to see an increase in usage over the next three days.
The 19th annual Real Deal in the Rock is scheduled to kick off at 5:55 p.m. at several venues around Little Rock. The prestigious tournament was originally scheduled to take place March 29-31, but it was moved back. Now, it'll be held during the NCAA's live period, which allows college basketball coaches from around the country to evaluate any potential prospects.
The event's primary location will again be Little Rock Southwest's Gryphon Arena, but additional venues, including the Summerwood Sports facility in Alexander and the Southwest Community Center in Little Rock, will host games as well.
The Mike Conley Jr. All-Star Game, which features senior prep standouts from Arkansas battling their counterparts from Tennessee, will be held at Gryphon Arena on Friday, as well as other showcase games.
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