Teen soccer sensation catches eye of sports world

Philadelphia Union's Cavan Sullivan looks on after throwing of the ceremonial first pitch before the first inning of a baseball game between the New York Yankees and the Philadelphia Phillies, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Philadelphia.  (AP Photo/Chris Szagola)
Philadelphia Union's Cavan Sullivan looks on after throwing of the ceremonial first pitch before the first inning of a baseball game between the New York Yankees and the Philadelphia Phillies, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Chris Szagola)

PHILADELPHIA -- Outside the home clubhouse, a teen with close-cropped, bleached-white hair waited for Bryce Harper. The kid was in a Philadelphia Phillies jersey, flap open, a gold chain against his bare chest. Most kids Cavan Sullivan's age would grow bug-eyed or feel some jitters meeting the Phillies slugger. Most kids Cavan Sullivan's age would plead for a selfie.

Cavan Sullivan is not most kids. Never has been, not since he was ordained as soccer's next big thing before he could buy a ticket for a PG-13 movie.

At 14 years, 293 days old, Sullivan became the youngest player to appear in a game for any major professional sports league when he made his July debut for the Philadelphia Union.

The teen soccer phenom caught the attention of a former teen prodigy who knows more about baseball but also a thing or two about soccer.

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