Stone’s struggles leave Dodgers vexed

OAKLAND, Calif. -- What was once a breakout rookie season for Gavin Stone is starting to break down in ominous fashion.

The once-burgeoning right-hander is no longer collecting strikeouts like he once did. He's no longer limiting contact as he was earlier this season. And, after once appearing a safe bet to make starts come the postseason, he's no longer looking like a reliable member of the Los Angeles Dodgers ' unsettled rotation, either.

In a 6-5 defeat to the lowly Oakland A's on Friday, Stone (Lake City, University of Central Arkansas) gave up five runs in four-plus innings, failing to hold an early two-run lead in the Dodgers' sixth loss in their last eight games.

After three stress-free innings to begin his night at Oakland Coliseum, Stone served up a pair of home runs in the fourth to Shea Langeliers and Seth Brown.

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