Big Miller football media days report By Sam Lane

Transfers draw ire of coach

Despite nearly 100 players attending Wednesday's opening day of the Big Miller football media days, for a short moment, the focus turned to who was not present.

High-profile player transfers happened across the state this offseason, but arguably nowhere were they as noticeable than at Central Arkansas Christian.

Following the school's first nine-win season in nearly a decade and the dismissal of former Coach Ryan Howard, key Mustangs migrated to four different schools -- Maumelle, Conway, Sylvan Hills and Joe T. Robinson.

Quarterback and University of Arkansas commitment Grayson Wilson found his way to Conway, while Sylvan Hills and Robinson each welcomed a player.

Maumelle, on the other hand, added three players -- Josiah Warrior-Besson, Jacob Henry and Jackson Hampton -- as part of a sizable offseason of additions from around central Arkansas.


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