Coaches showcase teams, hail Miller

Bryant football Coach Quad Sanders speaks Wednesday during the inaugural Big Miller football media days at First Community Bank in Little Rock.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Staci Vandagriff)
Bryant football Coach Quad Sanders speaks Wednesday during the inaugural Big Miller football media days at First Community Bank in Little Rock. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Staci Vandagriff)

There was a large contingent of high school football coaches who flooded First Community Bank in Little Rock on Wednesday to celebrate a historic occasion, but the majority of them couldn't help themselves when it came to acknowledging the inevitable.

"Can you believe that high school football is almost here," first-year White Hall Coach Daryl Patton said. "It smells different. ... The days are a lot brighter with football here."

The 2024 season will kick off in just over a month, and several of the state's top coaches gave a rundown of what to expect from their respective teams when they took the podium during the first annual Big Miller football media days.

Media members, outlets and radio entities were in attendance for the first session of the three-day event, which is the first of its kind in the central Arkansas area.

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