Rowland remembered by former, current Fort Smith coaches
July 26, 2024 at 1:01 a.m.
Kevin Taylor Special to the NWA Democrat-Gazette
FORT SMITH -- Fort Smith coaches, past and present, spoke fondly of a man who wasn't just their boss but like a second dad as well.
Jim Rowland left a strong presence on those who called him boss.
"When I took the Northside (girls basketball) job, it was late in the summer," recalls longtime Lady Bears' coach Rickey Smith. "I was in Conway at the high school all-star game and a few hours later I got a message to call coach Rowland. I'm on the phone and he says, 'What are you doing? Do you mind walking to the hotel lobby?'
"I go to the lobby and he's standing there. He had offered me the job on the phone, not in person, so he drove to Conway just to shake my hand in person.
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