AAA proposal may lead to coaches, players to take sportsmanship course following ejections

Mansfield pitcher Alyson Edwards throws a pitch against Riverside during class 2a softball state championship Saturday May 18, 2024, at Shock Stadium in Conway. More photos at (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Justin Cunningham)
Mansfield pitcher Alyson Edwards throws a pitch against Riverside during class 2a softball state championship Saturday May 18, 2024, at Shock Stadium in Conway. More photos at (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Justin Cunningham)

Athletes and coaches who show enough unruly behavior to receive an ejection during any of the state's high school athletic competitions may have to do more than just sit out a short while for their actions.

They will be required to take an additional lesson if Proposal No. 4 passes during the Arkansas Activities Association's annual meeting of the governing body Monday afternoon at Little Rock.

The proposal, if passed by a majority vote, will require those players and coaches who are thrown out of a game because of unsportsmanlike conduct to successfully complete the National Federation of High Schools' sportsmanship course -- as well as serve a suspension -- before they are allowed to compete again.

"So there are two penalties now," AAA Executive Director Lance Taylor said.

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