Fort Smith mourns loss of former coach, athletic director Rowland
July 26, 2024 at 2:08 a.m.
Leland Barclay Special toRiver Valley Democrat-Gazette
FORT SMITH -- There are coaches, and then there are coaches, and that's how many knew Jim Rowland.
"How fun and great is it that you have someone in this community, someone in this state, that everyone knows, and we can all think of word to describe people, but for Coach Rowland anytime in Fort Smith, or the River Valley, or in the state of Arkansas that when somebody knows you're from Fort Smith and you say, 'Coach' that they know exactly who you're talking about," said Michael Beaumont, the director of athletics and student activities for Fort Smith Public Schools.
Rowland died Wednesday evening. Visitation will be held Monday from 10:30 a.m.-noon, immediately followed by a service at Grand Avenue Baptist Church.
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