Big Miller media days report

Bigham awaiting 5A tests

Beebe football Coach Justin Bigham addresses media members on Friday at First Community Bank on Chenal Parkway in Little Rock.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)
Beebe football Coach Justin Bigham addresses media members on Friday at First Community Bank on Chenal Parkway in Little Rock. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)

Justin Bigham left one competitive conference and hopped right into another one.

The DeWitt alumnus had a successful run for four years at Gentry in the 4A-1 conference and made the move to Beebe during the offseason and assumed control of the program after then-head coach Chris Gunter resigned in November. But Bigham is well aware of what he's about to step in to when it comes to the 5A-Central.

"The conference itself, I think it kind of speaks for itself," he said. "You have Pine Bluff, who's always good. White Hall, they just got Coach [Daryl] Patton, but they also hired their assistant head coach who was my assistant head coach at Gentry last year. And then Maumelle always has talent across the board, and they do a good job in the offseason to make sure they have talent.


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