AAA enjoys smooth governing body meeting as all six proposals pass comfortably

Lance Taylor, Executive Director of the Arkansas Athletics Association, addresses the media on Friday, July 31, 2020. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette / Stephen Swofford)
Lance Taylor, Executive Director of the Arkansas Athletics Association, addresses the media on Friday, July 31, 2020. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette / Stephen Swofford)

Arkansas Activities Association Executive Director Lance Taylor said the annual meeting of the governing body was a "positive day."

All six proposals were passed by an overwhelming margin during Monday's meeting at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock. As a result, they will become effective during the 2024-25 school year.

"Everything went really smooth," Taylor said. "For every proposal, we give anybody who wishes to speak either for or against a proposal a chance to talk. We give them 3 minutes to do so, and nobody spoke up.

"That means that all the schools who participated were educated on the matters and knew which way they wanted to vote. So it made for a quick meeting."

The one thing Taylor said caught him a little by surprise was the identical or near-identical voting totals that took place on the proposals.

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