Cowboys’ QB enjoying training camp

OXNARD, Calif. -- Dak Prescott loves the grind of practice. It's evident in his approach and his interactions with teammates.

But the moment practice ends, well, that's been pure joy in this training camp.

That's when the proud father gets to see baby MJ and her mother, Sarah Jane.

"I talk about being present," Prescott said. "Being present in anything I do.

"When I'm on the field and I'm locked in, that's where all my focus and energy goes. But the moment that whistle blows, that horn goes off and I get to see my family, MJ and SJ.

"It's not a moment I take for granted."

He certainly didn't take it for granted Friday. Once the third padded practice of this camp was complete, Prescott asked his personal physical therapist, Luke Miller, to find his family and have them join him on the field.


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