WHAT -- Candessa Tehee, Cherokee Nation Tribal councilor and professor at Northeastern State University, will be lead a Cherokee Language Workshop that includes an overview of the language's history, how it is spoken and the efforts to bring it back from the brink of extinction. Pre-registration encouraged to guarantee a spot. Tickets can be purchased at the door if seats remain.
WHEN -- 10 a.m. Aug. 10
WHERE -- U.S. Marshal's Museum, 789 Riverfront Drive in Fort Smith
COST -- Included with Museum Admission, free for members. $15 for adults; $13 for 65 and older; $10 for military/law enforcement veterans; $8 for ages 6-17 and college students with ID; free for current military/law enforcement with ID, U.S. Marshals and members.
INFO -- marshalsmuseum.org
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