Heat advisories issued for part of Arkansas on Sunday, then more of state on Monday

Heat index up to 110 degrees expected Monday afternoon

This graphic from the National Weather Service highlights portions of Arkansas under heat advisories on Sunday and Monday. (National Weather Service/X)
This graphic from the National Weather Service highlights portions of Arkansas under heat advisories on Sunday and Monday. (National Weather Service/X)

Portions of Arkansas are under heat advisories through Monday evening, according to several urgent messages issued by the National Weather Service in Little Rock on Sunday afternoon.

All or parts of 14 counties in the western and central parts of the state were under a heat advisory through Sunday evening.

The area will be under another heat advisory from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday.

Heat index values of up to 110 degrees are expected as part of the Monday afternoon heat advisory for western and Central Arkansas.

A separate heat advisory was issued from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday for portions of eastern, north central, southeast, southwest and Northwest Arkansas, with predicted heat index values up to 107 degrees in these areas.

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