The Southern Fried Podcast | Little Rock’s new downtown Master Plan and reviving the city center with Jimmy Moses

Jimmy Moses of Moses Tucker Partners joins Rex on this week's episode to talk about the details of Little Rock's recently released Master Plan, which calls for increasing the residential population in the heart of the city, adding trails and greenways near the riverfront, more transit options for visitors and area workers and strategic development of new businesses.

Moses, who Rex refers to as "the godfather of the River Market" on Little Rock's President Clinton Ave., has been integral in the city's urban planning and real estate efforts, and the two discuss specific neighborhoods and sections of the city in relation to the Master Plan. Of particular importance to Moses is the development of more residential opportunities in the downtown area, the elimination of parking lots in favor of adding new transportation opportunities, and a desire to create urban parks and green spaces that will assist in making downtown Little Rock more vibrant and welcoming. 


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