The Southern Fried Podcast | More on Little Rock’s Master Plan and the city’s neighborhoods with Gabe Holmstrom

Gabe Holmstrom, Executive Director of the Downtown Little Rock Partnership, joins Rex on this week’s episode to discuss various aspects of the downtown Little Rock Master Plan, which involves new housing, retail, entertainment, and cultural attractions for the city.

In this episode, Gabe and Rex chat about why the Master Plan is important to the city, and especially those who live and work in downtown Little Rock. The pair begin by discussing current challenges in the central part of the city, including the abundance of parking space and government-owned buildings and land, and how the recent $1.5 million investment in the city’s center will allow for the development of green spaces and, hopefully, better utilization of the Arkansas River.

Another significant topic covered in this episode include the re-imagining of Little Rock’s River Market, and how elements of the Master Plan will affect the future of businesses and attractions that will be included in that district.

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