Arkies in the Beltway | Week of June 23, 2024

This is "Arkies in the Beltway" for the week of June 23, 2024. I'm Alex Thomas, Washington Correspondent for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, with your look at national politics and the Arkansans influencing the discussions.

The U.S. Capitol last week was rather quiet. The Senate did not make much legislative progress on the chamber floor, and members of the House of Representatives spent the week away from Washington, D.C.

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Sen. John Boozman, R-Ark., participated in an event focused on the United States' alliances and congressional participation in global affairs.

The nonpartisan McCain Institute hosted Boozman, of Rogers, and Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., for a panel discussing the anniversary of the D-Day invasion and the founding of NATO.

The international organization is comprised of the United States and 31 other countries focused on protecting North American and European interests.

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