Arkansas Postcard Past: Oark, circa 1920

Oark, circa 1920: The printer of the card mistakenly labeled the post office as at Dark, Ark. In truth, it was at Oark in Johnson County where the post office first opened in 1879. Its claim to fame in recent years is the Oark General Store and Café surrounded by the Ozark National Forest.

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203
Oark, circa 1920: The printer of the card mistakenly labeled the post office as at Dark, Ark. In truth, it was at Oark in Johnson County where the post office first opened in 1879. Its claim to fame in recent years is the Oark General Store and Café surrounded by the Ozark National Forest. Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

Oark, circa 1920: The printer of the card mistakenly labeled the post office as at Dark, Ark. In truth, it was at Oark in Johnson County where the post office first opened in 1879. Its claim to fame in recent years is the Oark General Store and Café surrounded by the Ozark National Forest.

Send questions or comments to Arkansas Postcard Past, P.O. Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

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