RECIPE + VIDEO: Here's how to make brown sugar apple pie reminiscent of Granny's

Brown Sugar Apple Pie
food front burner
Brown Sugar Apple Pie food front burner

I've been eating a lot of apples this fall. I just can't seem to get my fill of them. I've been eating them fresh and baked into all sorts of things.

I hope you're not tired of reading about my apple baking adventures, because I'm not done writing about them.

A few weeks ago when the weather finally turned, there was a big bowl of apples in my chilly kitchen just calling my name, begging me to whip them into a pie. OK, so maybe the apples weren't begging, maybe it was my brain craving a slice of apple pie after mentioning in this column that my Granny Tommie almost always had one on hand when I'd visit her. The point is, I was craving my Granny Tommie's apple pie.

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