FRONT BURNER: Salvadoran-style Cheese Pupusas

Roasted Poblano and Cheese Pupusas (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Roasted Poblano and Cheese Pupusas (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

"What's for supper," my husband asks as he walks into the kitchen to find me covered with cornflour dust.



"A Salvadoran dish made with cheese and corn masa," I say, as he eyes a mixing bowl filled with moist masa dough.

"So cheesy tamales?"

"Not exactly. They look like really thick corn tortillas, and they're pan-cooked, not steamed."

"Sounds good."

I don't remember the first time I ate a pupusa.

It might have been as a teenager when my mom's friend Alma made them for us. Alma, a young woman from El Salvador, lived with us while she attended grad school at UALR back in the days when everybody called it "Yuler."

Or maybe it was when my mom made them for her Spanish class. (Mom is a retired high school teacher.

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