
FRONT BURNER: Sheet Pan Fajitas still sell the sizzle

Sheet Pan Fajitas (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Sheet Pan Fajitas (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

This cheater version of fajitas is almost as good as the real thing. But so much easier to prepare.

Toss the seasoned meat and vegetables on a rimmed sheet pan, pop it under the broiler while you heat your tortillas and voila! You've got fajitas on the table in almost a flash.

Before you argue, "But fajita are grilled, not baked,'' let me remind you, a broiler is essentially an upside-down grill and thanks to a bit of smoked paprika, these fajitas have a whisper of smoke flavor.

I love the versatility of this recipe. It works equally well with beef or chicken. I haven't tried it with shrimp, but I imagine it would work if you gave the vegetables a head start and then added the shrimp in the last three to five minutes.

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