OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Substitute beef in roast to get Mississippi Chicken

Mississippi Chicken isn't much to look at, but what it lacks in visual appeal it more than makes up for in flavor. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Mississippi Chicken isn't much to look at, but what it lacks in visual appeal it more than makes up for in flavor. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

You likely know Mississippi Roast — known at my house as The Roast — made with chuck roast, ranch dressing mix, au jus gravy mix, butter and pepperoncini peppers.

Now meet Mississippi Chicken. It comprises the same flavors, but with chicken in place of beef. Another difference, Mississippi Chicken can be on the table in under an hour, unlike the roast, which cooks all day in a slow cooker.

At the urging of a friend who shares my love of Mississippi Roast, I recently gave Mississippi Chicken a test run.

As usual, I upped the pepperoncini and cut back a bit on the butter and the results were delicious — but a bit of a salt bomb. Next time I make it I’ll definitely cut back on the au jus mix and the ranch dressing.

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