VIDEO: DIY fondant is easy, inexpensive and perfect for Halloween cupcakes

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/KELLY BRANT Halloween Cupcakes With Rolled Marshmallow Fondant
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/KELLY BRANT Halloween Cupcakes With Rolled Marshmallow Fondant

American buttercream — butter, confectioners' sugar, a splash of milk or cream and a bit of vanilla and almond extracts whipped to fluffy perfection — is my go-to frosting for most cakes.

Buttercream is easy to make, comes together quickly and requires no special equipment. And it's relatively easy to use — apply a thin crumb layer, let that set, then slather it on to your heart's content.

My love of buttercream tends to make me forget about all the other great icings and frostings in the confection world. Fondant — the smooth, pliable icing used on intricate wedding cakes and other confections — is one I love to work with but often forget about.

There are a few different types of fondant, but it's essentially sugar clay, like Play-Doh, but sweet and tasty rather than salty and pasty.

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