I am one of those odd people who eats cauliflower because I actually like the taste of cauliflower. Well, cooked cauliflower, anyway. You can keep your chalky crudite.
I like its mild, unassuming nature. I like that it can be cooked using just about any method — roasting, steaming, frying, braising, poaching. I like its vegetal flavor that turns nutty under the high heat of roasting in the oven or pan frying. I love how it plays so well with others, namely cheese, nuts, fresh herbs, chiles and butter.
I like that a whole roasted cauliflower looks like a brain.
I don't like when cauliflower tries to be something it's not. I'm looking at you, cauliflower pizza crust, cauliflower hummus, cauliflower mashed potatoes and cauliflower taco meat.
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