OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Peach Crumb Bars sweet treats with a pie vibe

Peach Crumb Bars (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Peach Crumb Bars (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

A few weeks ago I was the fortunate recipient of a visit from the Peach Fairy — a friend had stealthily left a box of fresh peaches and eggs on my front porch.

This same friend was my TP Fairy back in the dark days of 2020 when paper products were as rare as hen's teeth.

After sharing some with my mom and mom-in-law I still had plenty and I knew just what to make. The following recipe was one I had saved to try for the peach story that ran June 23, but I ran out of peaches before I could make it.

These bars are best the day they are baked, but they'll keep (and soften quite a bit) covered at room temperature for a few days.

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