OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Fresh Blackberry Cake colorful summertime treat

Fresh Blackberry Cake With Blackberry Buttercream (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Fresh Blackberry Cake With Blackberry Buttercream (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

This cake looks like it's just one handful of blue sprinkles or edible glitter away from a unicorn cake, but looks can be deceiving.

Neither the cake nor the frosting contains even a drop of artificial flavor or color. Instead, those vibrant pink and bluish-purple hues come from fresh blackberries.

A cake that looks straight out of a 'tween's birthday party wasn't my intent. I was actually trying re-create a cake I made last year, but in blackberry. You may remember this strawberry cake (see arkansasonline.com/622pink/) featuring sliced fresh strawberries stirred into the batter.

I wanted to do something similar but with blackberries, and I wanted to skip the food coloring. (The strawberry cake relies on a few drops of red food color for a pretty pink.)


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