OPINION | FRONT BURNER: One pan perfect for this lemon pasta dish

One-Pan Lemon Parmesan Pasta (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
One-Pan Lemon Parmesan Pasta (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

My experience with one-pan pasta recipes has been hit or miss.

In the worst of cases the pasta sticks together, the sauce is tasteless or the whole recipe comes out tasting pasty. This recipe, adapted from "The Ultimate 5-Ingredient Cookbook: Whole Food Flavorful Meals Made Simple" by Rebecca White (Page Street, to be released in July, $22) was a definite hit.

I halved the recipe because it's just my husband and me and this isn't the kind of dish that works well as leftovers. We ate every morsel.

You'll note the title of the cookbook says five ingredients, but there are actually eight in the recipe. White does not include her pantry staples — such as salt, pepper, dried spices, oil, flour, honey, lemon, vinegar, sugar and butter — in the total.

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