OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Key Lime Rum Tart cool treat for summer's heat

Key Lime Rum Tart (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Key Lime Rum Tart (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

One bite of this cool dessert and you'll feel like you're on a tropical vacation, even if your travel plans take you only as far as the back patio.

The recipe is from "Everyday Entertaining" by Elizabeth Van Lierde (Weldon Owen, to be released in August, $32.50). At first glance (if you ignore the recipe name) it appears to be an ordinary Key lime pie baked as a rectangle and called a tart. But then you see there's rum — in the filling and the whipped cream that's slathered on just before serving.

Van Lierde uses white rum (also known as light and silver) but I opted for gold (also known as amber) because that's what I like to drink and had on hand.

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