OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Cherries + tahini + almond flour = atypical cake

Cherry-Tahini Cake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Cherry-Tahini Cake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

A cardinal rule of baking is to have all of your ingredients ready before you begin. This is something I've stressed many times over the years. It's right up there with reading all the way through the recipe (thrice) before you gather your ingredients and start cooking.

Another cardinal rule of the kitchen is to always prepare a recipe exactly as written the first time before you go fooling around with changes and substitutions.

Today I broke all three of those rules.

When I was checking my pantry for ingredients, I misread a bag of coconut powder as a bag of flaked coconut. In my rush, my eyes saw "coconut" and I made the mental check mark and moved on to the next ingredient.


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