
FRONT BURNER: Banana-based nice cream a cool treat

Strawberry, Caramel and Chocolate Nice Cream (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Strawberry, Caramel and Chocolate Nice Cream (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

As our summer heats up, I'm on a constant search to cool down.

Which means I'm eating a lot of frozen treats.

Ice cream. Popsicles. Smoothies. Frozen grapes. Nice cream.

Contrary to what you may have heard, nice cream (aka banana ice cream) does not taste exactly like real ice cream. But it is delicious. And on a hot day it's a much cooler way to deal with a glut of overripe bananas than firing up the oven to bake banana bread.

It also makes a tasty, no sugar treat for the kiddos and the doggos. (Did you know dogs love bananas?!)

The process is quite simple — so simple it doesn't even require a recipe — peel the bananas, cut them into chunks and freeze.

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