OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Chicken and Rice Soup simple yet delectable

My Forever Chicken and Rice Soup (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
My Forever Chicken and Rice Soup (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

It's hard to believe a soup with just five ingredients (not including salt, pepper and butter) could be so flavorful and satisfying. But that's exactly how my husband and I described this chicken and rice soup from "I Dream of Dinner (So You Don't Have to) — Low-Effort, High-Reward Recipes" by Ali Slagle ($29.99, Clarkson Potter).

The hefty 400-page volume from frequent New York Times and Washington Post contributing writer Ali Slagle features 150 recipes, all with delectable photographs. Of the dozen or so recipes (Eggs With Smoky Scallion Oil, Crispy Potato, Turmeric Shrimp With Citrus and Avocado, Fried Egg Salad, Crispy-Skinned Fish With Creamy Cukes, French Onion White Bean Bake, All-Corner-Pieces Baked Pasta, Tahini-Herb Pasta Salad, Fresh Corn Polenta With Lime Butter, Broccoli Bits With Cheddar and Dates, Blistered Peppers With Mozzarella and Croutons, Sausage and Gnocchi) I immediately marked for making, I had a hard time picking which one to make first.

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