OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Tahini Cinnamon Swirls simple, quick to make

Tahini Cinnamon Swirls can be made with plain or chocolate tahini. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Tahini Cinnamon Swirls can be made with plain or chocolate tahini. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

The Washington Post story about shortcut ingredients reminded me about this recipe I've been holding on to. I had planned to use it in the tahini story I wrote last fall, but I ran out of room and it didn't make the cut.

These cinnamon swirls are so much simpler and faster than yeast-based cinnamon rolls — simple enough to prepare on a lazy weekend morning while you're still waking up with your first cup of coffee. They also make a nice afternoon pick-me-up alongside a cup of coffee or tea.

Puff pastry is filled with tahini — plain or chocolate — brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and a hint of cardamom, rolled, sliced and then baked to flaky perfection.

I made them with plain tahini and chocolate tahini and while we ate every morsel of every swirl, the chocolate filled ones were my favorite.

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