FRONT BURNER: No-boil noodles speed cheese-laden lasagna to the table

Easy Beef and Three Cheese Lasagna (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Easy Beef and Three Cheese Lasagna (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

No-boil lasagna noodles are a game changer for weeknight lasagna cravings. Combined with jarred sauce, they make lasagna on a Tuesday, in an hour, 100% doable. It took me about 30 minutes to assemble and layer everything in the accompanying video and then just 25 minutes to bake it to bubbling hot.

Having a kitchen helper to shred the cheese (or using packaged shreds) would make it even faster.

I'm a bit of a recent convert to Rao's sauces. I've never been a brand loyalist when I buy marinara. When money was super tight, I usually picked whatever was cheapest. After meeting my husband, I started buying the smoothest sauce I could find because he dislikes chunky sauce. And in recent years, I've selected jarred sauce based on which one had the least amount of sugar in an effort to eat less hidden sugar.


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