OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Cider imparts vivid, sweet-tart apple flavor

Boiled Cider Doughnuts are brushed with boiled cider and then tossed in spiced sugar. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Boiled Cider Doughnuts are brushed with boiled cider and then tossed in spiced sugar. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Boiled cider is one of my favorite (but seldom used) ingredients. Boiled cider, sometimes called cider syrup or apple molasses, is just what it sounds like: Apple cider that has been boiled down to a syrup.

Despite what you may imagine, it isn't cloyingly sweet. I'd say it is more tart than sweet with a slight bitter edge (but in the best of ways) with the most intense apple flavor.

Add it to any recipe where you want to intensify the apple flavor or add a sweet-tart note, think apple pie, strudel and other baked goods. It's also great in cocktails, especially bourbon or whiskey-based drinks. Swirl it into oatmeal. Use it in place of honey or maple syrup in vinaigrettes or marinades.


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