OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Get your vegetarian game on with squash cakes

Squash Cakes With Cheese and Herbs (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Squash Cakes With Cheese and Herbs (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

I liked this summer squash recipe from Deborah Madison's "In My Kitchen: A Collection of New and Favorite Vegetarian Recipes" (Ten Speed, $32.50) so much that I made it twice in one day.

The original recipe calls for Costata Romanesco, an heirloom variety of zucchini with distinctive ribs and green stripes. I made it with ordinary yellow squash.

The recipe is quite versatile — in addition to changing up the variety of summer squash, other cheeses or herbs can be used. In my second batch, I skipped the herbs altogether and opted for a bit of garlic and cumin. They were just as good as the first.

Madison pairs feta cheese with dill and lemon zest; and cheddar cheese with oregano, parsley or cilantro and tomatillo salsa.

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