OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Green Onion Dip better than commercial kind

Green Onion Dip with potato chips and assorted vegetables for dipping. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Green Onion Dip with potato chips and assorted vegetables for dipping. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Over the past year or so it has become impossible to find my husband's favorite green onion dip in grocery stores. At first it was just his preferred brand that was hard to find, but now it's all brands.

So he won't have to do without, we've been experimenting with making our own. After scanning the ingredients list on a tub of the commercial stuff, we're better off for it.

This recipe is the best one we've made so far. It's simple enough, you may even have all of the ingredients on hand.

It's creamy, fresh and flavorful. I think it's even better than the commercial kind. Joe likes it with ridged potato chips, a combo that is quite good. But I prefer dipping with fresh vegetables — baby-cut carrots, red bell pepper, sugar snap peas, celery and radishes.

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