I first saw brita cake on SmittenKitchen's Instagram feed last summer. I was intrigued, but busy working on a blackberry cake recipe, so I tucked the brita cake idea away for later.
Later is today.
The dessert is reminiscent of pavlova or Eton mess, but so very different.
It starts with a butter cake batter that's topped with a layer of meringue -- most of the recipes I consulted call for baking the two at the same time, but a few gave the cake layer a 10-minute head start -- after baking and cooling, the whole thing is cut in half and then topped with whipped cream, sometimes lemon curd, and loads of fresh berries, and then stacked together.
According to Scandicuisine.com, an English-language website about Scandinavian cooking, variations on this style of cake are popular in Finland, Norway and Sweden.
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