OPINION | FRONT BURNER: Paint the season pink with sweet strawberry cake

Strawberry Cake With Strawberry Icing (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Strawberry Cake With Strawberry Icing (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Strawberry season arrived a bit later this year, but local berries are well worth the wait (and the 25-minute drive to the strawberry farm).

To celebrate the season — and (more so) to celebrate the fact that my parents, my husband and I are all fully vaccinated against covid-19 and it is now safe for us to gather indoors and hug cheek-to-cheek once again after more than a year of distancing — I made this cake, which I adapted from King Arthur Baking Co. I'd been holding on to the recipe since February, waiting for our strawberry season to get here.

The texture of this cake is reminiscent of tres leches cake. But instead of three milks, it gets its moistness from a butter-rich confectioners' sugar icing infused with fresh strawberries.

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