RECIPES: Strawberry season’s the reason for shortcake

Sponge Cake Strawberry Shortcake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Sponge Cake Strawberry Shortcake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

Arkansas strawberry season is here and that means one thing: shortcake.

All day.

Every day.

But especially on Mother's Day.

Shortcake means different things to different people and we're not here to quibble about the technical definition of short pastries.

We just want to eat sweet, luscious strawberries dripping in their own juices on pastry and topped with fluffy mounds of whipped cream.

So whether you like shortcake feather-light, fluffy or flaky, we won't tell you you're wrong, and we have a recipe for each.

Melted Butter Shortbread Strawberry Shortcake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)
Melted Butter Shortbread Strawberry Shortcake (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Kelly Brant)

But first a few words about strawberries.

Strawberries do not continue to ripen or get sweeter once picked. Look for berries with bright, uniformly red color, bright green caps with no white or yellow spots.

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