DROPPING THE HAMMER | Ryan Blaney, Champion

Ryan Blaney, right, receives the NASCAR Cup Series Championship Cup from NASCAR president Steve Phelps after capturing winning it at Phoenix Raceway, Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023, in Avondale, Ariz. (AP Photo/Darryl Webb)
Ryan Blaney, right, receives the NASCAR Cup Series Championship Cup from NASCAR president Steve Phelps after capturing winning it at Phoenix Raceway, Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023, in Avondale, Ariz. (AP Photo/Darryl Webb)

The 2023 NASCAR season is over. Daniel McFadin and Jared Haas get together for one last time this year to discuss Ryan Blaney's first career NASCAR championship, Ross Chastain taking on the Championship 4 and winning, the end of Kevin Harvick's career and their favorite memories from 2023.

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