Drs. Olivia Moffett and Mark Zimmer were united in marriage Saturday at Edgemont House in North Little Rock. Michael Loudermilk officiated.
The parents of the bride are Cathy and Thomas Robert Moffett Jr. of Little Rock. She is the granddaughter of Linda Green and the late Raymon Ydarraga of Baton Rouge, and the late Jean and Thomas Robert Moffett of Shreveport.
The parents of the groom are Ann and Michael Zimmer of Southlake, Texas. His grandparents are Jan and Joe Schmitt of Trophy Club, Texas, and Dan and the late Patricia Zimmer of Sarasota, Fla.
Honor attendants were Jillian Moffett Pate, Maddie Moffett Porter and David Zimmer.
A reception, also at the Edgemont House, followed the ceremony.
The bride is a graduate of Baylor University with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences with a medical degree and master's of public health.
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