Anna Margaret Fischer and Alex Cowley exchanged marriage vows at 1:30 p.m. April 8 at the home of her parents. Turner Moore, young adult pastor at New Life Church Greater Little Rock, officiated.
Lisa and Kris Fischer are parents of the bride. She is the granddaughter of the late Sherry and Charles Sidney Gibson of Dermott and Dwayne Fischer of Oklahoma City and the late Doris Morrow Fischer of Little Rock.
Parents of the groom are Aimee López González and Jorge Alberto Nicanovich Cingolani of Miami and Guillermo Julio Cowley del Barrio of Havana. His grandparents are the late Hidalga González Chavismo and the late Manuel López Guanaga of Havana, and Isabel del Barrio Correa and the late Agustín Cowley of Havana.
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