
Alexia Nicole Spanos and William Timothy Goodson
Alexia Nicole Spanos and William Timothy Goodson


Alexia Nicole Spanos and William Timothy Goodson were united in marriage May 31 at Villa Medicea di Lilliano in Grassina, Tuscany, Italy. The Rev. Todd von Helms officiated.

The parents of the bride are Wendy and the late Demetrius Spanos of Jonesboro. She is the granddaughter of Emma Lou Pardew, the late Guy Pardew and Spyridon and the late Eleftheria Spanos.

The groom is the son of Judith and Timothy Goodson of Little Rock. His grandparents are the late Perry and Grady Woodward and the late Rozelle and Carl Goodson.

Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Villa.

She is a graduate of Rhodes College with a bachelor's degree in political science. She is a political media consultant.

He graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a bachelor's degree in business communications and political science.


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