Saint Edward Catholic Church was the setting at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 8, for the marriage of Kelsey Lorraine Hebert and Hayden Taylor Henry. The Rev. James Richard Bradley, retired from the Diocese of Tulsa, officiated.
Parents of the bride are Cheryl and Kevin Hebert of Tulsa. She is the granddaughter of Patricia and the late Vance Robertson, the late Renee and Thomas Coates and the late James Hebert, all of Metairie, La., and the late Edwin Sternberger Jr. of River Ridge, La.
The groom is the son of Jennifer and Robert Mark Henry of Little Rock. His grandparents are Johnnie Mac and Robert L. "Skip" Henry III, Michele and Charles "Chuck" Beale, and the late Marshall B. "Skip" Coffman, all of Little Rock.
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