Laura Whitaker Stephens- Clifford Bradley Brookshire

Mrs. Clifford Bradley Brookshire
(Special to the Democrat-Gazette)
Mrs. Clifford Bradley Brookshire (Special to the Democrat-Gazette)

Laura Whitaker Stephens and Clifford Bradley Brookshire were united in marriage at five o'clock Saturday, May 25, at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. The Very Reverend Amy Dafler Meaux served as celebrant and The Reverend Doctor Christoph Keller III as officiant.

The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Amerine Stephens of Little Rock. She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce Calhoun, Mrs. Mary Amerine Stephens and Mr. Jackson Thomas Stephens.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Wood Brookshire of Tyler, Texas. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Wood Brookshire and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warmack.

The bride was escorted by her father and presented in marriage by her parents.


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