
Wedding vows were exchanged by Garrett Elizabeth Gentry and Gregory Carter Morse on June 15 in St. Edward Catholic Church with the Rev. Patrick Friend officiating.

The bride is the daughter of Holly and Dewayne Gentry of Sherwood. She is the granddaughter of Janet and A.C. Ketzscher, also of Sherwood, and Maxine and the late Douglas Gentry of Little Rock.

The groom is the son of Missy and the late Gregory Morse of Little Rock. His grandparents are L.D. Morse, the late Lois Morse and the late Barbara and Bill Clark, all also of Little Rock.

Honor attendants were Caroline Hum and Clark Morse.

A reception at the Junior League of Little Rock Building followed the ceremony.

The bride is a graduate of the University of Arkansas with a bachelor's degree in business administration and is a sales representative at Ben E.

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